Louisville CO

citadel garage doors- Your Trusted Local family owned Experts in garage door opener.


(1231+ Clients)

Rated top garage company

Garage Door Opener Repair Services Louisville CO

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citadel garage doors - Your Trusted Local family owned Experts in garage door opener services.

15% OFf

With Any Garage Door Repair

15% OFf

With Any Broken Spring

15% OFf

With Any Opener Replacement

15% OFf

With Any New Garage door


We are lucky today as everything is connected via Wi-fi and almost everything can be accessed by a remote control, from simple things to more delicate things. Even with our daily trips to work, when we press that remote control for our garage, we do not notice how our simple Garage door opener is the main reason we can go in and out of our garage seamlessly. Sometimes we overlook the idea that this can be worn out too.

With proper care and maintenance, the average lifespan of a garage door opener is about 10 to 15 years under normal usage. It doesn’t matter if you are still using your grandfather’s door opener or if you just bought a new one. What matters is that you pay attention to your usage and regular professional maintenance once a year, at least.

Here are some of the most common issues that you can encounter with your garage door opener:

  1. My garage door opener is making UNUSUAL NOISES. Opening and closing your garage door should be effortless and typically quiet. But once you start to hear a sound coming from it, you need to have it checked. Any unusual sound such as screeching, rattling, or grinding means that there is an underlying issue.
  2. My garage door is NOT OPENING OR CLOSING FULLY. Now, this will need an inspection as there are many various factors on why is it not closing or opening fully, why it gets stuck, or why it even shakes and vibrates when opening. Few things to check such as if there is any obstruction (debris, bird’s nest, etc.) or a need to adjust the opener’s settings, or even the fuse.
  3. My remote DOESN’T SEEM TO WORK. My door DOESN’T OPEN EVEN IF I HAVE THE CORRECT CODE. If there is one thing that your remote can give you, it should be a hassle-free opening of your garage door. Check your signal and the range of the antenna. You also need to always check your batteries and your user manual to be able to sync properly with the keypad.
  4. My garage door keeps on REVERSING AFTER CLOSING. It is the work of the sensor to prevent the door from closing and shutting down if there is an object or an obstacle in the way. Always check the safety sensors located near the floor.

If still in doubt, you can always contact us and we can inspect it the same day. We will always be happy to assist you.

Your safety is our priority!

our services

Our team is trained in all areas of garage door repair and installation, including:

15% OFF

Garage Door Repair

15% OFF

Spring Repair

15% OFF

Opener Repair

Garage Door Commercial

15% OFF

15% OFF

Cable Repair

15% OFF

Remote Repair

15% OFF

Garage Door Maintenance

15% OFF

Off Track Repair

15% OFF

Garage door installation

15% OFF

Panel repair

Our success in serving our customers largely stems from the quality of the materials we use. We only use the finest materials and never compromise on quality. This ensures that when the project is completed, our customers will see that both the workmanship and materials are of the highest standard, as we offer and deliver state-of-the-art services.

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At Citadel Garage Doors, you can rely on top-quality garage door services, backed by state-of-the-art equipment and the latest tools available.


Citadel Garage Doors